SIC Code Lookup
The SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code system is used by several US government agencies to classify types of businesses. Most notably the SIC code is used in company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Division of Corporate Finance.
The system was developed and put in place in 1937 and is currently being upgraded to the NAICS code system for many agencies. This is because the SIC code system only allows four digits for classification whereas the new NAICS system allows for six digits.
The structure of SIC codes includes three parts. The first 2 digits indicate the major group the company belongs to. Including the next digit allows even more specific classification into what are known as industry groups. And finally all four digits group companies into divisions.
SIC Code Lookup
You can perform a SIC code lookup at the NAICS website.
Code | Description |
01-09 | Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing |
10-14 | Mining |
15-17 | Construction |
20-39 | Manufacturing |
40-49 | Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas & Sanitary Services |
50-51 | Wholesale Trade |
52-59 | Retail Trade |
60-67 | Finance, Insurance & Real Estate |
70-89 | Services |
91-99 | Public Administration |